Photoshoot with Erica & Adam

With two recent photoshoots already receiving myriad positive comments (notably “who’s that girl?!”, of Rebecca’s photoshoot), I was approached by someone I’d photographed at Cuppers Athletics, asking if I could take some photos of her and her boyfriend. As if serendipity hadn’t already showed up enough in my life, here it came again – while I was taking the high jump photographs of Erica, I thought that she’d make a good model, and now I was presented with an opportunity to photograph her. And she certainly proved to be a great model. These photos are of her with her boyfriend Adam, and I’ll post some more shots of Erica posing on her own.
The photos were taken, as usual, at magic hour; this time in Emmanuel College’s gardens.

Erica & Adam

Erica & Adam

Erica & Adam

Erica & Adam

Erica & Adam

Erica & Adam