Sweden – Forests & Lakes

For the third summer in a row, I travelled to Sweden for an intensive dance workshop. Unfortunately, I sustained an injury in the fortnight before flying out that rendered me unable to take part. Not one to waste an opportunity (or a non-refundable flight), I hired a car and drove around the myriad forests and lakes in South-Eastern Sweden for 4 days.

In addition to a dozen or so huge national parks, Sweden has hundreds of small nature reserves, all (relatively)-well documented, mapped, and sign-posted. So it was rather easy to hop from one to another, walk freely through the forests, feel at one and alone in nature, and admire the breathtaking scenery. Two main images remain firmly implanted in my memory – forests where every boulder, rock and patch of ground is covered in multi-coloured mosses; and expanses of blue lakes bordered by forests on all sides.

Many more forest and lake photos from Sweden can be viewed at CantabPhotos

Fairy-tale forest, covered in moss, Sweden

Rocks in lake, Sweden

Sweden Forests and Lakes

Sunset in meadow of wild grasses, Sweden

Moss-covered boulders in Swedish forest

Reflection of clouds in lake, Sweden

Sunset over lake, Sweden

Impression lily-pads and reflections, Sweden

Sunlight streaing through trees, in Swedish forest

Bluebells at sunset in a meadow, Sweden

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