icould provides career inspiration to tens of thousands of young adults, through unique video content, articles, and personalised career resources.
Massively improved the UI, making it easier for visitors to access content, understand what the site offered, and login with existing social media accounts
Automated migration of 1,000 videos to YouTube, saving tens of thousands in hosting costs, adding support for mobiles, and increasing discovery of icould's content
Creation of an advanced API for icould's video and article content, allowing organisations to expand their career site offerings, and providing icould with additional revenue streams
Created an advanced Search Wizard, providing users with personalised video and article content
Improved the usability and functionality of the site's most popular feature, a Myers-Briggs personality quiz; created a Facebook app version, and added social features for viral growth
Automated daily import of articles syndicated by third parties
Improvements to the back-end allowing staff to categorise and tag content more easily, resulting in visitors being shown more relevant related content