Dawn & Bill's Wedding Rehearsal in King's Chapel

My friend Dawn, with whom I danced in the Offbeat Team, is getting married in King’s Chapel tomorrow. Her fiancé was baptised there, and went to King’s School, so is allowed to get married in the fantastic venue. For someone who’s been in Cambridge for almost 10 years, I’m ashamed to say that this was the first time I’ve been inside King’s Chapel. Perhaps I was waiting for the right moment, and being asked to photograph a good friend’s wedding seemed to be the perfect occasion.

The chaplain, Reverend Richard Morgan, was a very nice chap (obviously habituated to speaking in the resonating acoustics of the Chapel), and delivered the news that I was expecting – no flash photography near Rubens’ “Adoration of the Magi”; but also no photography during the service (“it’s not Hello Magazine”). I wouldn’t want to disturb the proceedings with my shutter clicks resonating through the service, and it’s rather dark in the chapel anyway. We’ll see what I can get tomorrow…

Dawn & Bill's Wedding Rehearsal

Dawn & Bill's Wedding Rehearsal

Dawn & Bill's Wedding Rehearsal

Dawn & Bill's Wedding Rehearsal

More photos from the wedding are available at CantabPhotos

View my portfolio of wedding photographs