Model Graduand

Natalie wears this season’s hottest new look, the BA graduation gown and hood, in front of King’s Chapel. Expect to see lots more people following this trendy fashion in the next few days.

Photoshoot with Hayley (Orchard)

Hayley is a friend of one of my favourite muses, Rebecca, and had previously asked me to take her acting headshot for drama school applications.

As Hayley was graduating this week, we decided to have another photoshoot before she left, and these are some of my favourite photos. The shoot was in the lovely grounds of Homerton College, but the time-constraints of busy May Week meant it had to be in the middle of the afternoon, and the sun was high and harsh. The use of off-camera flash helped quite a lot, and for some of the later photos I used my white shoot-through umbrellas as large diffusers for the sunlight, casting great soft light on Hayley’s face.

More photos from this photoshoot with Hayley on

Photoshoot with Greg (Mr Darcy)

Yet another photoshoot, taking advantage of the glorious weather. Unfortunately this one had been postponed a couple of times, and the weather has started to get a bit cloudier and colder. Breaking from my usual photoshoot habit, I thought I’d photograph a male model, partly so that I don’t focus solely on photographing beautiful women. I first met Greg at a formal dinner at his college, and he stood out for a couple of reasons – firstly, he’s well over 6 feet tall, he has long flowing hair, and at the time was wearing a top hat, tux and tails. I then bumped into him again at the CU Fashion Show Launch Party, where he was one of the models. Again, wearing his trademark outfit. I don’t think anyone but Greg could pull it off…

Photoshoot with Greg

Photoshoot with Greg

Photoshoot with Greg

Photoshoot with Greg

Photoshoot with Greg

Photoshoot with Rebecca (Meadows)

I’ve been taking advantage of the glorious weather, and have been doing more photoshoots with my muses (5 this week). This is my third photoshoot with Rebecca (see photos from the first photoshoot, and of her acting headshots). The meadows on Lammas Land and Castle Mound were covered in Cow Parsley, which made for similar photos to the first shoot, but pretty much every photo I take of Rebecca is stunning, so I don’t mind repeating myself.

Photoshoot with Rebecca

Photoshoot with Rebecca

Photoshoot with Rebecca

Photoshoot with Rebecca

Photoshoot with Rebecca
My favourite of the shoot

Photoshoot with Rebecca

More photos from this photoshoot with Rebecca, on CantabPhotos

Rock'n'Roll – Sunset Silhouettes

A few hours after the orchard photoshoot with Sarah, and after a Rock’n’Roll practice, I invited a couple from the team back to mine for dinner. As we were walking up Castle Hill, I realised that the sun was about to set, we were right next to Castle Mound, and the couple were capable of doing some great acro. About a year ago, I started planning a set of photos of Cambridge Rock’n’Rollers striking acro poses in various parts of Cambridge, and one of the ideas was to get acro silhouettes on Castle Mound, especially a move called “Dirty Dancing”. The photos came out even better than I had envisaged last year, so now more team members are keen for their own photoshoots ;)

If you’d like to learn how to do some of these moves, come along to some of the excellent Rock’n’Roll classes – check out the team website:

Rock'n'Roll Silhouettes at Sunset
Dirty Dancing

Rock'n'Roll Silhouettes at Sunset
Double Straddle

Rock'n'Roll Silhouettes at Sunset

Rock'n'Roll Silhouettes at Sunset

Rock'n'Roll Silhouettes at Sunset
Hip Flick

Rock'n'Roll Silhouettes at Sunset
Shoulder Sit

More photos from this photoshoot on CantabPhotos

Photoshoot with Sarah (Orchard)

After the brief but beautiful photoshoot with my friend Sarah a few days ago, we decided to arrage a proper photoshoot. As the weather has stayed warm and sunny, we had a picnic in the orchard at the back of her college, St. Edmund’s, followed by some more photos, which again look fantastic. The mid-afternoon sun wasn’t ideal for direct-light photos, but there were plenty of trees to provide some shade. I normally prefer shooting portraits at magic hour, just before sunset, as the light is golden, and if there’s a clear horizon towards the setting sun, you can often get a pretty backdrop for photos, as I did a couple of hours later…

Photoshoot with Sarah

Photoshoot with Sarah

Photoshoot with Sarah

Photoshoot with Sarah

Photoshoot with Sarah

More photos from this photoshoot with Sarah